Thursday, October 22, 2009

Prayer Defeats Robber

Heard great story from ABC News that made my day: "Robber Hands Bullet to Store Clerk After She Prays With Him" Have a blessed day, everybody!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A.R. Bernard on Growth

Heard good quote from Dr. A.R. Bernard on his "Faith in Practice" show yesterday: "God looks at failure as the womb for success." God wants our success to do His will, but we have to avoid sin 2 do so. Bernard was speaking on Christian growth & Mark 4:26-29

Here's a link to the broadcast schedule for "Faith in Practice."

Have a blessed day, everybody!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Series on Miracles

My pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Washington, DC, recently preached an excellent series on miracles.

Go to our site below, find "Sermons," then "Sermon Series."
Have a blessed day, everybody!