Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 24--Faith, Not Fear: THE KNOCK AT THE DOOR, Part 2 of 2

October is breast cancer awareness month.

You can learn more about early breast cancer detection, treatment options, and how you can get involved, at the American Cancer Society site:

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Welcome to Day 24 of our Bible based, Christ focused devotional.

Purpose: With so many people suffering during these tough economic times, I wanted to create a daily devotional which would promote faith in God as a solution to overcoming anger and fear.
Each devotional will provide a daily passage of Scripture for you to reflect on throughout the day. In addition, an “Action Item” will assign a daily, simple task to help you address your fears with faith and move forward with God's plans for you.
Thank you and God bless you for reading this devotional--please share it with others!
Steve Kendall

The Knock At the Door, Part 2 of 2
Today’s devotional is a continuation of a discussion we began yesterday—so, if you haven’t read yesterday’s devotion, go back, Jack and read it, first! :  )

How to Witness to Jehovah Witnesses:
When dealing with JWs, let them know that you disagree with how their bible translates John 1:1, but be kind and gentle in your discussion with them.

No matter what questions they ask you about the Bible, which are often meant to confuse you and sow seeds of doubt about your knowledge, firmly point out what you believe about Jesus and give your testimony.  

JWs spend hours upon hours in study regarding their beliefs. You are no match for them when it comes to discussing their bible, which they’ll try to convince you is your true Bible.

First, if someone comes to your door and wants to come inside to discuss their religion, do not feel pressured to let them in. If they come to your door, or if you encounter them on the street, you don’t have to get into a discussion right there. 

Give them your number and ask that they call to make an appointment with you. 

I often give them my card and tell them to call for an appointment. If they choose to meet with me at a mutually agreed upon day/time, I do not meet in my house.

Simply put, in today’s world, I don’t think you should let any stranger into your home until you know a lot more about them.

When they arrive for their appointment, do not meet with them in your home because sometimes it is hard to get them out of your house.  Instead, speak with them at your door, or outside your home, on the porch, front yard, steps, back yard, etc. 

It is your home--you control the situation and can go back inside whenever you want. Remember to stay calm and cool.  It is your home, your turf, and you should control the conversation.

Here are excerpts from notes I used when teaching a Bible study class about JWs (Click Here to download a PDF of the complete notes )
1.     Before they try to get you into a discussion, or open with a prayer, insist that they tell you about their background, specifically, if they were of another faith before becoming a JW. Get to know them as a person first, before they fall into their robotic training and evangelism techniques. 

2.     Next, insist that you give your testimony about how Jesus saved you. Most JWs never hear our testimony because we don’t answer the door, slam it in their face, or refuse to speak with them. 

3.     Point out that you could never accept their teachings because of how their bible translates John 1:1JWs don’t believe in the Trinity as we do. JWs do not believe in the deity of Jesus, they believe God created Jesus as an angel.

No matter what questions they ask you about the Bible, which are often meant to confuse you and sow seeds of doubt about your knowledge, firmly point out what you believe about Jesus and give your testimony.  JWs can make you angry, so be polite, and friendly, but stand firm with the whole armor of God and give your testimony! Don’t try to “win” an argument with JWs, they are programmed in their beliefs. 

Pray that the Holy Spirit guide your tongue think on this Scripture passage: “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15

Remember: Their bible is not your Bible! There is no need to argue about Scripture because you are not dealing with the same Holy Book. Our Bible is,”God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”  2 Timothy 3:16
In closing, it is important to beware of those who try to prey on your worries and insecurities. 

Folks, whenever a religion tries to diminish Jesus, and/or, add or subtract from the Bible, then they are not preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many cults place their leader ahead of Jesus and God. They do this so that they can control their membership. 

If these so-called Christian religions stuck to the Bible, they wouldn’t need additional books, or different translations. The Bible tells us that false teachers and doctrines will be with us, often disguised as something that will appeal to you, or lift you up when you’re a broken person. 

They’ll help you alright, and then once they have you in their fold, they work on your heart and mind so that you no longer have a true relationship with God.

Here are links to useful information, as provided yesterday:
Doctrinal Comparison Chart

This is What Jehovah's Witnesses Actually Believe (a cartoon, but detailed about their belief system)

I highly recommend the book Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses by Ron Rhodes.
Continue to study the links above to understand the differences between what the Bible says and what other religions preach so that you can prepare yourself for future encounters with “the knock at the door.”

Until tomorrow, have a blessed day!

CLOSING PRAYER: For the remainder of our devotions, please pray about whatever the Lord places in your heart and mind. I also ask that you pray for me as well. I pray daily for everyone who comes in contact with these devotions and feel blessed as a result.
STAY IN TOUCH:  You are cordially invited to share how things are going with you and our devotions thus far. I welcome comments and suggestions as well. You can reach me via Facebook or my personal email address:
Stop by sometime soon to visit my ministry Web site, Bible Study Café, and download free stuff including a prayer journal. Join Bible Study Café on Facebook and follow my twitches and tweets on Twitter.
If you would like a relationship with God, the only way to do it is through His son, Jesus Christ. This is supported in the Bible: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. --John 14:6 (King James Version) 

We begin this relationship by first accepting Jesus. Click Here for a link to more info.