Welcome to Day 8
of our Bible based, Christ focused devotional.Purpose: With so many people suffering during these tough economic times, I wanted to create a daily devotional which would promote faith in God as a solution to overcoming anger and fear.
Each devotional will provide a daily passage of Scripture for you to reflect on throughout the day. In addition, an “Action Item” will assign a daily, simple task to help you address your fears with faith and move forward with God's plans for you.
Thank you and God bless you for reading this devotional--please share it with others!
Steve Kendall
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE FOR REFLECTION: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 (Read verses 1-15. Verse 1 quoted here): To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (King James Version)
OPENING PRAYER: In your opening prayer, please ask God to help you to walk in faith during various seasons of your life--through both slow valleys and high mountain top experiences.
My Confession: I have a confession to make. One of the "concerns" (Remember, I don't use the "w" word.) I wrote down for the Action Item exercise from Day 1 was that I would not have the energy, or health to write a 40 day devotional.
My major concern for the past few years has been with my unpredictable health. Some days I can complete simple tasks I used to take for granted, and other days, well, on those days, I'm sick in bed and have to get plenty of rest.
So, I prayed about all of this and put myself in the Lord's hands and asked Him to guide me and let His will prevail.
After dealing with many faith, family, financial, health, and many other issues over the years, I've come to realize that there is truly a time and season for all things in our lives. Because our perception of time is linear, unlike that of God, the problems we face sometimes seem to endure forever, but realistically, we pass through those valleys in no time at all when you really think about the fact that we'll spend eternity, forever and ever, with our Jesus and our Father in Heaven.
In sum, my concern was that I would wake up one morning and not be healthy enough to post the next devotional. Although I have themes and Scripture written down that I'd like to discuss, I don't know what each day's devotional will be about until after I pray about it. Sometimes, the topic comes to me the night before, but lately, after I have my personal, morning Bible study, I pray, and sit at the computer and just let the Holy Spirit work through me and I type what comes into my mind.
It's a wonderful, energetic experience that I haven't had since I wrote my first children's book several years ago.
So, please keep me in prayer so that I can continue to write the devotionals each day!
In essence, I'm writing these devotionals by faith. Someone once told me that "faith" is also a form of "risk." You are risking something by stepping out on faith. In my case, I'm risking letting myself and others down if I don't post the devotional daily. This one poured out of me yesterday evening. In fact, it poured so quickly that I couldn't write fast enough and had to type this bad boy quickly. : ) As you can probably tell by now, I don't carefully proofread many of these devotionals. I let them flow, read over them once and then post online. I will take the time to go back and clean them up a bit in the future, but for now, I'll get out of the way and let the Lord work through me to do His will.
As I pray each day, and carry out each Action Item, my "concerns" about all of this are melting away and I have a new found confidence that God will help me to complete this task He has for me and to deal with the unseen without fear.
ACTION ITEM: For our Action Item, I just want you to read today's Scripture for Reflection listed above and think about the seasons and time
You are also cordially invited to share with me how things are going with you and our devotions thus far. I welcome comments and suggestions as well. You can reach me via Facebook or my personal email address: Steve@BibleStudyCafe.com
CLOSING PRAYER: For the remainder of our devotions, you prayer about whatever the Lord places in your heart and mind.
Until tomorrow, have a blessed day!
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A True Relationship with God If you would like a relationship with God, the only way to do it is through His son, Jesus Christ. This is supported in the Bible: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. --John 14:6 (King James Version)
We begin this relationship by first accepting Jesus. Click Here for a link to more info: