Who are your favorite preachers?
You are welcome to share by sending me and email @: Steve@BibleStudyCafe.com
My favorite preachers are:
1. Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, Senior Pastor of Mt.Moriah Baptist Church, my home church. You can find Pastor Dalton's sermons at: http://mountmoriahchurch.org
2. Dr. A. R. Bernard - "Faith in Practice": http://www.arbernard.com/BroadcastPrograms/FaithinPractice/tabid/615/Default.aspx
3. Dr. Tony Evans - "The Alternative": http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/The_Alternative
4. Dr. Charles Stanley - "In Touch": http://www.intouch.org
I look forward to learning about your favorite preacher(s)!