If you live in the DC region, you can listen on the AM radio dial at 1580. If you live outside the DC area, or want to use the Internet, please go to www.Heaven1580AM.com.
Ms. Marsha Sumner hosts a show called Cross Talk Urban Style during the 10am-1pm time period and usually interviews Christian authors during the 10am hour. Ms. Sumner invites listeners to call the show with comments or questions at 1-888-432-1580.
I hope you'll tune in and listen as we need to support this station, which has recently adopted a Christian-talk format--and tell a whole lotta other folks to listen to Heaven1580AM daily!
Please pray for me as prepare for the interview. Ice storms are in the forecast for my area tomorrow morning, so I'll leave extra early and pray the ice doesn't arrive, and if it does, I pray it doesn't cause me or anybody else problems!Be blessed by telling someone about Jesus!
Your Brother in Christ,