Thanks to everyone who listened to my interview on Heaven 1580am last Friday and for those who encouraged and prayed for me as well.
I thank radio host, Ms. Marsha Sumner, for providing me with the opportunity to share my ministry as a Christian author.
A special thanks to the two "Sister Whites," Alberta F. and Alberta M. , for spreading the word about the interview and my Web site to their
Oakland Baptist Church family.
I hope to post video and audio clips from the Feb. 22 interview soon.
I've been graciously invited back to Ms. Marsha Sumner's show, Crosstalk Urban Style, for 11 a.m. EST, Monday, March 3, 2008. The topic will be self-publishing. If you live in the DC region, you can listen on the AM radio dial at 1580. If you live outside the DC area, or want to use the Internet, please go to www.Heaven1580AM.com.
I hope you'll tune in and listen to Heaven1580Am as we need to support this station, which has recently switched from all music to a Christian-talk format. Tell everyone you know to listen to Heaven1580AM daily!
In closing, I also want to recommend a series Chuck Swindoll began on Fri., Feb. 22, 2008 called Abiding in Christ, which continues today at OnePlace.com
I'm especially drawn to his message based on John 15:1-11, as it is the thematic Scripture for my church this year and contains important information about how we can maintain a relationship with Christ.
Have a blessed day by telling someone about Jesus!
Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Kendall