Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 23--Faith, Not Fear: THE KNOCK AT THE DOOR, Part 1 of 2

October is breast cancer awareness month.

You can learn more about early breast cancer detection, treatment options, and how you can get involved, at the American Cancer Society site:

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Welcome to Day 23 of our Bible based, Christ focused devotional.

Purpose: With so many people suffering during these tough economic times, I wanted to create a daily devotional which would promote faith in God as a solution to overcoming anger and fear.
Each devotional will provide a daily passage of Scripture for you to reflect on throughout the day. In addition, an “Action Item” will assign a daily, simple task to help you address your fears with faith and move forward with God's plans for you.
Thank you and God bless you for reading this devotional--please share it with others!
Steve Kendall

DAY 23:  THE KNOCK AT THE DOOR, Part 1 of 2

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!!           
Galatians 1:6-8 (New International Version)
OPENING PRAYER:                          
In your opening prayer, in addition to anything else you want to pray about, ask God to help you discern false doctrine and to stand firm in defending your faith with gentleness toward others.
The Knock At the Door, Part 1 of 2
If this scenario hasn’t happened to you, it will someday soon...

It’s Saturday morning. Your day is off to a great start. You are inside, busy with some activity. 

Knock, knock!
You open the door to be greeted by, “Hi, we were in the neighborhood and wanted to tell you about…”

The specific knock at the door I’m talking about is not from your ordinary door-to-door salesperson.

The people I’ll discuss today are selling something very valuable to them. They’re selling a false gospel and they want to sign you up as a customer. 

They want to take advantage of any weakness in your faith. They want to offer solutions to your problems, if you’ll join them.

I wanted to briefly discuss two groups that I’ve spoken with several times at my door, Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons, but I also want to prevent this devotional from being too long. For brevity’s sake, I’ll focus on Jehovah Witnesses today and tomorrow. 

In the near future I hope to write another blog series devoted to how the Mormon definition of God and Jesus differs greatly from the Bible. If you want a sneak preview, you can use the links below to learn more about Mormons:

Banned Mormon Cartoon  (Although it is in cartoon form, this short piece clearly defines their believes and documents the sources.):

A Site About Mormons as a Cult:

This organization also has info on other cults:

Glenn Beck and Mormonism:
I’ve broken today’s devotional into two parts so that you don’t have to read so much each day.

Before I go any further, I’ll disclose that I have friends who are Mormons and family members who are Jehovah Witnesses, so what I’m about to write is out of love and not meant to hurt anyone, but I gotta tell the truth as the Lord wants us to do as clearly laid out in the Bible. 

Jehovah Witnesses (I’ll also use “JWs” as an abbreviation):
Some folks are afraid to speak with Jehovah Witnesses because they’ve heard JWs know the Bible inside and out. JWs know their bible, The New World Translation, which is not our Bible.

There are a number of differences between what JWs believe and what true followers of Christ believe. In this devotional, I’ll discuss a major difference and invite you to read more about all of this from my notes I used when I taught a Bible study class on the subject several years ago. Click Here for my notes.

There is one key passage in the JW bible that perverts what we believe about Jesus.

Read John 1:1 from the JW bible:

Now look up John 1:1 in your Bible. Notice any differences?  The JW bible certainly looks and sounds like contemporary translations of our Bible, but note that their John 1:1 reads, “and the Word was a god.” They insert the article “a” and use lowercase “god.”  No other translation of the Bible presents John 1:1 in this way. 

Why do the JWs do this? Because JWs try to make a complicated argument about the Greek translation that is wrong. Their translation was done by a man who was not a Greek scholar. They translated the Greek incorrectly to put Jesus in a box and define Him as they saw fit! 

Jehovah Witnesses demote Jesus from being God, to just “a god.” That is not the true Gospel. There is no need to get into an argument with JWs about the Bible, because their bible is not your Bible!

Tomorrow, in part 2 of “The Knock At the Door,” we’ll discuss what you should do when approached by JWs, or someone else from another false religion who tries to impose their beliefs on you.
Here are links to useful info for further study:
Doctrinal Comparison Chart

This is What Jehovah's Witnesses Actually Believe (a cartoon, but detailed about their belief system)

I highly recommend the book Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses by Ron Rhodes.

A Ministry Run by a Former JW:
Begin to study the links above to understand the differences between what the Bible says and what other religions preach so that you can prepare yourself for future encounters with “the knock at the door.”

Until tomorrow, have a blessed day!
CLOSING PRAYER: For the remainder of our devotions, please pray about whatever the Lord places in your heart and mind. I also ask that you pray for me as well. I pray daily for everyone who comes in contact with these devotions and feel blessed as a result.
STAY IN TOUCH:  You are cordially invited to share how things are going with you and our devotions thus far. I welcome comments and suggestions as well. You can reach me via Facebook or my personal email address:
Stop by sometime soon to visit my ministry Web site, Bible Study Café, and download free stuff including a prayer journal. Join Bible Study Café on Facebook and follow my twitches and tweets on Twitter.
If you would like a relationship with God, the only way to do it is through His son, Jesus Christ. This is supported in the Bible: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. --John 14:6 (King James Version) 

We begin this relationship by first accepting Jesus. Click Here for a link to more info.