To read and see inspirational stories about breast cancer survivors, check out my other blog, Recession Resurrection.
You can learn more about early breast cancer detection, treatment options, and how you can get involved, at the American Cancer Society site:
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Welcome to Day 36 of our Bible based, Christ focused devotional.

Each devotional will provide a daily passage of Scripture for you to reflect on throughout the day. In addition, an “Action Item” will assign a daily, simple task to help you address your fears with faith and move forward with God's plans for you.
Thank you and God bless you for reading this devotional--please share it with others!
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it,
when it is in your power to act.
when it is in your power to act.
Do not say to your neighbor,
"Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"—
when you now have it with you.
"Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"—
when you now have it with you.
Proverbs 3:27-28 (New International Version)
OPENING PRAYER: In your opening prayer, in addition to anything else you want to pray about, ask God to put you in places and situations where you can tell others about what Jesus has done for you. (My pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, says this at the end of each sermon and I’m glad he does so as it reminds believers of their obligation to share Christ with others.)
Another Man’s (Person’s) Treasure
I spent most yesterday cleaning our basement. It was a good feeling to finally get rid of a lot of old stuff I was holding on to, that was buried deep down in a pile of junk (sounds like a great analogy for many of us and our feelings toward others).
One of the things that brought me great satisfaction was that some of the items we no longer needed could be used by others.
Anything in good condition that could be donated, we put aside. Others items, which we now considered junk, would actually be valuable to some folks.
We gathered all of the metal “junk” and put it out on the curb the night before trash collection. We do this because a hard working couple often drives through neighborhood collecting metal.
The last time I saw this husband and wife team, in the summer, they had a small truck. Last night, I peeked from my window to see they now had a much larger truck (a white one often used to deliver food to stores) with bins in the back for various types of metal.
We were happy to know that this couple would benefit from something we no longer valued.
God wants us to be good stewards of the resources He has blessed us with, and that includes the resource of time.
When we spend too much time focusing on our problems¸ we are subtracting from time that could be better spent focusing on what God wants us to do.
ACTION ITEM: In addition to the Action Item we started this week (see below this paragraph) find something of you no longer need, but would be of value to someone else and donate it. If you don’t have items of this sort, donate your time to help someone this weekend.
This Week’s Action Item: Get out that paper piece of paper with your list your current problems. Pray about each of the problems you listed.
On the back page, you should have the names of folks you want to pray for on a daily basis.
Each day forward, pray that the Holy Spirit will guide and help you to deal with your problems and ask Him to be of comfort to those on your prayer list.
Until tomorrow, have a blessed weekend!
CLOSING PRAYER: For the remainder of our devotions, please pray about whatever the Lord places in your heart and mind. I also ask that you pray for me as well. I pray daily for everyone who comes in contact with these devotions and feel blessed as a result.
STAY IN TOUCH: You are cordially invited to share how things are going with you and our devotions thus far. I welcome comments and suggestions as well. You can reach me via Facebook or my personal email address: Steve@BibleStudyCafe.com
Stop by sometime soon to visit my ministry Web site, Bible Study Café, and download free stuff including a prayer journal. Join Bible Study Café on Facebook and follow my twitches and tweets on Twitter.
If you would like a relationship with God, the only way to do it is through His son, Jesus Christ. This is supported in the Bible: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. --John 14:6 (King James Version)
We begin this relationship by first accepting Jesus. Click Here for a link to more info.