Monday, December 31, 2007

My List of Favorites for 2007

Many folks are publishing “Best Of” lists this time of year. I’m going a different route with my list as I’ve only begun to find new resources online.

On this last day of the year 2007, I present my list of personal favorites for 2007 in no order of preference (whenever possible, I’ve included a link to my previous blog entries about a selection):

My pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton covered this New Testament book in detail during 2007 and it quickly began one of my favorites. I learned a great deal about the work of the Holy Spirit this year thanks to this book and my pastor. Pastor Dalton's Bible study notes can be found online.

Kay Arthur discussed this Old Testament book of prophecy and I learned new things which I’ll apply to a story I’m writing. Read my blog about Kay Arthur.

God's Glorious Christian Soldiers - my first Christian book

Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses Reasoning from the Scriptures with Mormons--both by Dr. Ron Rhodes

--Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, & Priorities of a Winning Life, by Tony Dungy. Tony Dungy is one of my favorite coaches as he’s a devout Christian.

Thru The Bible Commentary Series by J. Vernon McGee


MOVIES: The Last King of Scotland Forest Whitaker won an Academy Award for his performance as dictator Idi Amin. This movie was released in 2006, but I didn’t see it on DVD until 2007. When I was in film school during the 80s, I considered it blasphemy to see movies on video, as one of my uncles preferred. Now that I’m Middle-aged Man, I prefer to see movies on DVD and take my wife out on a nice dinner date instead of a movie and dinner.

The Bourne Ultimatum- Saw this Matt Damon action flick in theatres with my wife. I like the style of director Paul Greengrass and the use of hand-held camerawork.

Enduring Truth with Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Bible Answer Man
Dr. Charles Stanley
Dr. Tony Evans

TV SHOWS: (After looking at this list, I’ve come to the realization that I watch far too much TV. I need to spend as much time reading the Bible.)

Charlie Rose
Day of Discovery
Dr. Charles Stanley
Dr. Who
Hell’s Kitchen: Watching this show is a guilty pleasure. I enjoy cooking, but wouldn’t last a minute in the kitchen of Chef Ramsey who curses constantly. I’m glad they bleep his tirades (in the US version), but I do find him humorous when he loses his temper. Chef Ramsey’s cookbooks are quite good. Kitchen Nightmares: Just watching this show makes me think twice about eating out sometimes. Lost Meet the Press: I’m a Tim Russert junkie. Love his political coverage. I tape his Sunday show sometimes to watch after church services. Monk The Closer Stargate-SG1 Tavis Smiley

WEBSITES: I read the daily briefing of entertainment industry news. (My site that I'm slowly building) - I enjoyed reading news about Sci-fi TV shows and movies. I don’t like most of them, but enjoy reading the news on this site. Rick Renner Ministries - Daily Sparkling Gems from the Greek

My favorite quote from 2007: "Good parenting is working yourself out of a job." --Pastor Paul Sheppard, Oct. 18, 2007

Well, I managed to finish writing this blog entry before the new year! We're off to Watch Night services at our church. I love my wife and kids!

A blessed and happy New Year to all!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Friday, December 28, 2007

Charles Stanley on Ending Well

As we come to a close on this year and reflect back, I recommend a sermon to put things in perspective from Dr. Charles Stanley entitled, The Challenge to End Well from his InTouch Ministries. You can also find this message in Dr. Stanley's audio archive for December 27 - 28.

In the message, Dr. Stanley discusses that we begin our lives in sin, but we can finish with God on our side.

Have a blessed weekend by telling others about Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Thursday, December 27, 2007 Avoid First-Time Visitor Nightmares is fast becoming one of my favorite sites. The owner of the site, Christopher Walker, also known as Pastor Chris, does an excellent job of teaching different ways to witness for Christ. See my Nov. 19, 2007 blog entry for more background info.

I highly recommend that you read a free article that Pastor Chris wrote originally for Net Results Magazine in the October 2007 issue entitled, Avoid First-Time Visitor Nightmares: Red Carpet Hospitality. You can sign up to receive the free article by going to, then select the blue, Get Your Free Article button in the top, right corner.

I don't want to spoil the article for you, but Pastor Chris makes the reader aware of the little things we may be doing within our churches that may turn visitors off. Sometimes, we become so comfortable with our church family that we fail to remember the needs of visitors.

While reading the article, I laughed with recognition when Pastor Chris wrote, "I've learned to avoid asking, 'Is this your first time here?' It may not be. I've embarrassed myself once too often by greeting a long time member who was back in town or someone who had visited while I was away." I've done this as well and now make a greater effort to do what Chris recommends, which is to introduce yourself and say, "I don't think I've met you yet."

I'm terrible with names, so I've also learned to put embarrassment aside and say, "Could you tell me your last name again please?"

While at, please look at the wealth of other info Pastor Chris has provided. He has material from and Internet Evangelism Day, on using the Internet to share your faith, which of interest to me given that I'm new to online evangelism.

Pastor Chris recently returned from a missions trip to Nicaragua and you can read about it at his other site,

Thanks for reading my blog!

If you have Christian resources you'd like to recommend, please contact me:

Your brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Testimony: A Road to Faith, Lined with Questions

During the upcoming year, I want to feature personal stories of how different people came to accept Jesus.

My goal for the year is to find new, easier ways to demonstrate and discuss why one should follow Jesus. Personal testimonies, I would argue, can often serve as a powerful means to draw others to Christ.

I read a wonderful testimony by Tom Lange in the Monday, December 14, 2007 Washington Post entitled, A Road to Faith, Lined With Questions.

Lange writes about accepting Christ at the age of 6 and how he came to question his faith as he became a young man, yet went on to confirm his belief in Christ.

Tom Lange chronicles his Christian journey quite well and leaves the reader with a strong message about his enduring faith.

You can read my personal testimony online as well.

Be blessed today by having a conversation with God through prayer.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Blessed Christmas to You!

This week I read and heard several items which discuss various positions on whether Christians should celebrate Christmas. The Washington Post ran an article entitled Some Christians Shun Christmas on Sunday, December 23, 2007.

Other stories pointed out that Jesus was not born on December 25, but perhaps in November as discussed at

The New Life Community Church, in Stafford, Virginia, cites research which places Christ's birth in September. My Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, mentioned July as Jesus's birth month as do other scholars. The House Christian Network Association does a good job of explaining the July estimate.

I found an interesting site called that offered an estimate based on the Hebrew calendar, certain festivals and Biblical references. provides a chart of the Hebrew calendar.

I must admit that I don't have a firm position on the date of Christ's birth, as I haven't read a lot of research. But I do know that the Bible does not give us the exact date of our Saviour's birth, but I have no problem with celebrating the birth of Christ. I just don't like the way the celebration has been hijacked by commercialism with attention drawn away from the birth of our Saviour.

The phrase, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season," may sound a bit corny, but it's true and I will continue to see this time as a celebration of Christ's birth, for without Him, I would be lost.

A blessed Christmas to you all.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, December 24, 2007


This morning I was trying to think of something useful to write about, prayed about it, and the Lord came through, as usual.

I received a nice comment from Joe, a new believer in Christ, who writes a blog called Good News at

Joe gives a wonderful testimony of his acceptance of Christ on his About page.

I'm so glad Joe wrote to me because one of my goals for starting this blog and companion site at was to communicate with other believers and reach out to people globally who haven't accepted Christ as their savior.

Joe provides a wealth of info in his blog entries about various resources available to Christians. I look forward to exploring his posts and the links he's provided to other sites and blogs.

Have a blessed day by telling someone about Jesus.

A very blessed, joyful, and safe Christmas to everyone!

Your Brother In Christ,

Steven Kendall

Friday, December 21, 2007

Tychicus: Paul's friend and faithful minister in the Lord

Woodrow Kroll's Back to the Bible broadcast repeated a lesson on Ephesians 6:21 about the apostle Paul's friend, Tychicus (tik'-i-kus).

I'm a fan of Paul, thanks to the Bible study of my Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, so this message about Paul was of great interest to me--plus, Ephesians chapter 6 is one of my favorites.

To learn more about Tychicus, go to Bible History Online,, as it has info about Tychicus.

This broadcast is worth looking at as Woodrow Kroll does a good job of using Paul's friendship with Tychicus as jumping off point to discuss how we can be faithful stewards of what God tasks us to do.

Look for the Thursday, December 20, 2007 broadcast, Co-Comforter of Others.

Be a blessing to someone new today by telling them about what Jesus has done for you!

Have a joyful weekend.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pastor Paul Sheppard's Christmas Messages

Pastor Paul Sheppard has a great series of sermons this week about Christmas.

When you go to Sheppard's Enduring Truth audio ministry page, at, be sure to look for Pastor Sheppard's messages for the week of December 17, 2007.

You are blessed today because every new day is a blessing from God.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 Computer Resources for Bible Study and Worship is a site by Terry Taylor, a Sunday School teacher at the Church of Christ in Carbondale, Illinois in the Unites States. Terry's site offers a wide variety of free resources for computer use such as graphics, PowerPoint backgrounds and presentations, photos of Biblical places and a whole lot more. You must visit this site and explore it as I can't begin to describe, in this limited space, the vast amount of quality material available at

This site is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses a computer to generate materials for church use.

I have made use of the Sunday School materials for children and plan to check out their recommendations for the Best Sites For Online Bible Study.

You can sign up for a free, monthly newsletter at and visit their blog of helpful tips and reviews of hardware and software.

If you have a site you'd like to recommend for Bible study resources, please contact me:

Have a blessed day by studying God's Holy Word.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Acts 21:1-16-- Bible Study Tuesday

Today is Bible study Tuesday at my church, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, recently discussed the New Testament Book of Acts, Chapter 21, verses 1-16.

You can read Pastor Dalton’s notes online at

Have a blessed and safe day!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Christmas Story: Variations on an Eternal Gift

My blog entry today is much longer than what I usually write, but it is about an event that merits great discussion, thought and praise—-the birth of Christ.

This time of year preachers are delivering sermons about the birth of Christ and I find it both comforting and interesting to listen to how God delivers this message through them in different ways.

In his radio message today, Pastor Paul Sheppard preached on the topic, “What We All Got For Christmas” based on Matthew 1:18-25. Pastor Paul talked about how God gave us the best Christmas gift ever, over 2,000 years ago when Christ was born. The gift of Christ, said Sheppard, is an eternal gift of everlasting life if we accept Him as Savior.

Preacher Chuck Swindoll is airing a multi-part series he started last Thursday, December 14, 2007 entitled, “Meet Mary…the Favored One,” based on Luke 1: 26-38.

My pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, used Matthew 1:18-25 as the text for his subject, "God With Us.”

Pastor Dalton pointed out that the story of Christ’s birth can be viewed as having a sub-text about male/female relationships and made four points:

1. We should strive to have a relationship with someone who is righteous , and loves God, like Joseph, who being a righteous man, didn’t want to publicly embarrass Mary, and was going to divorce her quietly when she became pregnant. Joseph showed his love for God when he obeyed an angel who told him in a dream to marry her as she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Dalton also made an observation that I’ve forgotten about: That Matthew focuses on Joseph’s side of the story, while Luke(1:26-56) features Mary. What a blessing that God used the personalities two different writers and inspired them to write about the birth of Christ.

2. When entering into a relationship, we should seek someone who is impregnated with the Holy Spirit. At first, I didn’t know where Pastor Dalton was going with this, but he went on to talk about how we should seek someone who is full of the Holy Spirit, instead of worrying about what someone looks like on the outside.

3. Some things are worth holding onto in a relationship. Dr. Dalton made several points here, but one that stuck with me is the notion of people who say it is unrealistic to remain platonic in a relationship before marriage. “If someone says, ‘it’s unrealistic, tell them, it’s Biblical.’ ” said Pastor Dalton.

4. God establishes the most perfect relationship of all—our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Pastor Dalton explained that the most intimate, pleasing relationship one can have is with God, through Jesus Christ. Pastor closed by reminding us that the prophet Isaiah, as recorded in Isaiah 7:14, said that a virgin would give birth to a child they would name Immanuel, which means, “God With Us.”

God came to earth in the flesh, as Jesus, to dwell among us, and save us from our sins so that our relationship with God would be restored through Jesus, our emissary to God.

So, in these days leading up to Christmas, listen to different sermons about the birth of Christ to gain a deeper understanding of the eternal gift God gave us, His Son Jesus Christ.

Have a blessed day by telling someone about what Christ has done for you!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

P.S. Check out my other personal blog, about recent book reviews of religion books

Friday, December 14, 2007

Angel Tree: Helping the Children of Prisoners

25 years ago Chuck Colson, who was once in prison for Watergate related crimes during the Nixon administration, founded The Angel Tree Program as part of his Prison Fellowship Ministry (PFM).

As the PFM Web site states, Angel Tree is a program which provides Christmas presents to over 500,000 children of inmates on behalf of their incarcerated parents.

If your church does not participate in this program, you can make donations online at the PFM site.

Have a safe weekend and be blessed by thanking Christ for what He has done for you.

God bless,

Steven Kendall

Thursday, December 13, 2007

101 Ways to Have a Christian Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching, I found a recent radio program very helpful with regard to how I think about this holiday, which should celebrate the birth of Christ: Family Life Today aired a two-day broadcast called, "101 Ways to Have a Christian Christmas."

Media Analyst, Brenda Verner, owner of Verner Communication, provided a number of wonderful tips for keeping the focus on Christ this Christmas. Verner has a book of the same title called 101 Ways to Have a Christian Christmas and you can read an excerpt online at

You can both read a transcript of the broadcast and listen to it online at

Be blessed today.

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tony Dungy: The Quiet Strenth of a Christian

The Focus on the Family radio program is rebroadcasting a three part interview with Tony Dungy, head coach of the U.S. football team, the Indianapolis Colts.

Coach Dungy professes his faith publicly and I've been a fan of his for quite some time. I admire both his willingness to discuss his walk with Christ and how he serves as a great role model as both a Christian and as a football coach.

Dungy also wrote an excellent book about his journey as a Christian entitled, Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices and Priorities of a Winning Life.

I highly recommend that you buy Dungy's book and listen to his interview this week.

Coach Dungy and fellow Christian coach, Lovie Smith, of the Chicago Bears, had an ad in USA Today during the last Super Bowl for the site, about Christian coaches and athletes and Christ.

Be a blessing to someone today by telling them about what Jesus has done for you.

If you want a relationship with God, through His son, Jesus Christ, here's a prayer you can say from the site.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Acts 20:26-38-- Bible Study Tuesday

Today is Bible study Tuesday at my church, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, recently discussed the New Testament Book of Acts, Chapter 20:26-38.

You can read Pastor Dalton’s notes online at

Have a blessed and safe day!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tim Tebow: Witnessing for Christ on ESPN

In his sermon yesterday, my pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, mentioned Tim Tebow, a U.S. college football quarterback, who won the prestigious Heisman Trophy award for his outstanding year as a football player.

Tebow is a sophomore at the University of Florida, and one of the youngest students to win this award.

What was significant about his acceptance speech, my pastor pointed out, is that Tebow began by thanking Jesus Christ as his personal savior.

I didn't know about Tebow's background so I did a little research and found that his parents, who are missionaries,instilled Christian values in their children at an early age.

Tebow used the live, international broadcast of his speech on the sports network ESPN to proclaim his acceptance of Christ.

I applaud this young man for his sincere acknowledgment of Jesus, as he opened the speech with, "I just want to start off by thanking my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, who gave me the ability to play football and for giving me a great family..."

You can see Tim Tebow's speech online at

The Baptist Press has an article from 2006 about Tim Tebow's Christian background.

Be blessed and share the joy of Christ with someone today.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Friday, December 7, 2007

Romney's Savior is not my Savior

Yesterday I wrote about Mormonism and provided links for readers to do more research. Now that Mitt Romney made his speech about his religious beliefs, I want to follow-up with a look at some of the specifics, or non-specifics actually, from Romney’s speech.
In his speech, Romney said of Christ, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind.” That may sound like he is a Christian, but one must look at how Mormons view Jesus Christ. posted an interesting article which discussed this issue, entitled, “This I Believe: Romney's incomplete speech on religion in America,” by John Dickerson. Dickerson writes, "Romney mounted a defense of religion in the public square—on his terms, which became clear when he started talking about Jesus. 'I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind,'he said, but then he quickly closed the door to further questioning about any of his specific beliefs. He argued that Mormonism was merely a different brand of Christianity and that to pick at the differences between Mormons and other faiths was incompatible with America's history of religious tolerance.
Some evangelicals won't like this. Why does Romney get to show them some of his doctrinal beliefs while shutting off discussion of the others?
He wants credit for saying Jesus was the Son of God but doesn't want to answer for the other ways many Mormons see Jesus. This is not just a quibble, as Romney seemed to suggest. This is evangelicals' fundamental question about Mormonism. Christians see Jesus as the literal incarnation of God. (The doctrine of the Trinity states that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are all God.) Mormons see Jesus as literally the son of a God, but also as a separate God, just as the Holy Spirit is separate. For those who focus on these differences, Romney's argument that Mormonism belongs within the Christian fold is a shocking theological claim that can't go unanswered."
The article also features a link to a comparison chart of Mormonism to Christianity.
I view Romney’s commitment to remain a Mormon, and his attempts to equate the Mormon view of God and Jesus with Christianity as clear signs of poor decision making and I will not vote for him as a result.
Please have a blessed weekend and tell somebody about Jesus Christ.
Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Kendall
Check out what I wrote about the new movie, Golden Compass, based on a series of books by an atheist author, on my other blog:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Learn the truth about Mormons

U.S. Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney is scheduled to deliver a speech today about his Mormon faith.
In light of this, at the end of this blog entry, I’ve provided links to several resources about Mormonism.
As I grow stronger in my faith in Jesus Christ, I believe the Holy Spirit is compelling me to be an even bolder witness for the death, burial and resurrection of my personal savior.
I do not agree with the Mormon faith, but have witnessed to Mormon missionaries who were in my neighborhood last summer. I approached two young male missionaries, known as Elders, in their church, and invited them to setup an appointment to meet with me.
Our initial meeting was held in my backyard, where I shared my testimony and asked them to describe why they chose their faith. I write about this first encounter in a future blog entry.
In a second meeting, I treated the missionaries to lunch at a local burger joint. My goal was to share my testimony of what Jesus means to me and has done for me. I tried to do this with kindness, respect and gentleness.
I kept in mind something my pastor said to our Baptist congregation, when he gave a quote usually attributed St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.” So, instead of arguing with the Mormons I broke bread with, I tried to show and share with them my love and joy in Christ through my actions.
The flowing are links to info about Mormonism that I’ve used for my personal research:
I read an excellent book by author Ron Rhodes, "Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons":
He also has a book called "The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Mormon" Institute for Religious Research
A Comparison of Mormonism and Historic Christianity: Living Hope Ministries has streaming videos on their site such as The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon:
Mormon Research Ministry:
Tips for Witnessing to Mormons:
Ex-Mormons: (Bible Answer Man) resources:
I don't want to overwhelm you with a lot of info, but I have a real passion for defending my faith, by understanding the beliefs of other religions and cults:
You can find more resource info about Mormons on my other blog listed below.
Be blessed and share your personal testimony about Jesus with someone today.
Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Kendall
Please visit my other blog: and Web site:

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Coach Joe Gibbs and his ministry

While doing research for a blog posting about the funeral of US football player, Sean Taylor, on my other blog,, I came across the ministry Web site of Sean's coach, Joe Gibbs, a professed Christian.

Gibbs provides a weekly Bible study message, which he calls the "Weekly Spiritual Game Plan," as audio, video and in print on his Web site, JoeGibbsOnline. Visitors can also sign up to receive his weekly Bible study via email. In addition, the site offers a free New Testament Bible by mail.

I signed up for the free Bible and will blog about it at a later date.

Please have blessed, safe and warm day.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Please visit my other blog: and Web site:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Acts 20:13-25: Bible Study Tuesday

Today is Bible study Tuesday at my church, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church.

Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, recently discussed the New Testament, Book of Acts, Chapter 20:13-25.

You can read Pastor Dalton’s notes online at

Have a blessed and safe day!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, December 3, 2007

60 Minutes: Dire Times for Iraq's Christians

On Sunday, December 2, 2007, the U.S. news program, 60 Minutes, aired a segment about Christians being persecuted in Iraq.

The story begins with reporter Scott Pelley setting the scene in Iraq, "From the time of Jesus, there have been Christians in what is now Iraq. The Christian community took root there after the Apostle Thomas headed east.

But now, after nearly 2,000 years, Iraqi Christians are being hunted, murdered and forced to flee -- persecuted on a biblical scale in Iraq's religious civil war."

A priest stationed in Iraq was interviewed about how the remaining Christians must worship in secret, for fear of being killed.

Another young man talked about how his family would go to church in shifts, so that if half the family was killed in a church bombing, the remaining half would still be alive.

As my pastor recently commented, we as Christians really don't know what its like to persecuted for our faith.

After looking at the 60 Minutes story, I will start praying for Christians all over the globe, who are persecuted for their belief in Christ.

You can view more info about the 60 Minutes story at the CBS News site:

Please have a blessed day and tell somebody that you love them.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Friday, November 30, 2007 - Audio sermons online is a site which features audio sermons from a wide variety preachers. I go to this site to listen to some of my favorites, including Pastor Paul Sheppard, Kay Arthur, and Dr. Tony Evans.

This site is useful as I am able to learn about and listen to pastors not heard on my local radio station. also offers a number of other Bible study resources including devotionals, PodCasts of popular programs, articles and ministry newsletters.

Please let me know of any Bible study resources that you use so that I may post them on this blog.

May you have a blessed, safe and joyful weekend in the love of Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Thursday, November 29, 2007

5 Don'ts for Dealing with Jehovah Witnesses

"Five Don'ts for Dealing With Jehovah Witnesses is an article that I found to be extremely useful in my preparation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Jehovah Witnesses who have come to my door.

The author, Joel S. Peters, provides five tips, based on his experience with Jehovah Witnesses, including "Don't Slam the Door in Their Faces."

I believe we should be willing to share our testimony of what Jesus has done for us with others, with gentleness and respect, and not argue in an effort to demonstrate the true character of Christ. I try to remain mindful of 2 Timothy 2:24-25 when it comes to witnessing to Jehovah Witness.

I pray that you have a blessed day and that, as my pastor says, "May God put you in places to witness to someone about what Jesus has done for you."

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible is a daily Bible study program which airs on the radio worldwide and via the Internet.

Dr. J. Vernon McGee, the founder of this radio ministry, recorded a five-year study of the entire Bible that is now available to everyone to hear.

Dr. McGee passed away in 1988, but his lasting work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ lives on.

Thru the Bible also has printed commentaries of Dr. McGee's study of each book of the Bible. They are inexpensive and quite useful. The ministry Web site also has free downloads of Dr. McGee's radio program and other materials. The material are free, but the ministry asks for donations to keep the downloads free to all.

Have a blessed day.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steve Kendall

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Acts 20:1-12: Bible Study Tuesday

Today is Bible study Tuesday at my church, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church.

Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, is currently discussing the book of Acts, chapter 20:1-12.

You can read Pastor Dalton’s notes online at

Have a blessed and safe day!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, November 26, 2007

Free Bible Software from E4 Group

The E4 Group, which stands for Ephesians 4:11-14, and the Apostle Paul's message about God maturing His church through pastors and teachers, offers a free CD of Bible study resources at their site:

As their site explains, "E4’s Bible Study Library Volumes 1 & 2 contains over 30 titles from leading scholars and theologians. From Bibles, to commentaries, to theology, to Christian living, to parenting, this CD is sure to enrich your faith and deepen your walk with God."

I especially enjoy using the search feature to find Bible passages and to view both the Greek New Testament and commentaries about Scripture.

The E4 Group will send the CD to you for free and ask that you make a donation, if you can.

Have a blessed, safe and joyful day!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Sermons

I caught up today with online sermons from Thanksgiving Day.

Several that I enjoyed included, my boy (a term of respect and affection), Pastor Paul Sheppard. Pastor Paul has a two part message on the topic of "Praise Your Way Through" about learning how to praise God even in dark and difficult times (based on the experience of Paul and Silas - Acts 16:16-36)

"You want to feed your faith and starve your doubts. What we feed grows. We only have to look in the mirror to confirm that," joked Pastor Paul. Sheppard emphasized that we grow in our relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ by both hearing the Word of God proclaimed and by reading it. He also quoted the apostle Paul's letter to the Romans. chapter 10: 17, "Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

A quote of Pastor Paul's that stuck with me and tied in nicely with Thanksgiving," You can't fly with eagles, when you're hanging out with turkeys! Sheppard talked about discovering God's will for ourselves and one of the ways he mentioned is to be with like minded, faithful believers in Christ as they may see what God wants you to do in life.

Truths That Transform - the ministry of the late, Dr. D. James Kennedy 1930-2007 had a good, two part message entitled, "The Life-Changing Power of Thankfulness." The series aired on Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23, 2007, and is an older sermon of Dr. Kennedy's, who died recently in August of 2007, but like many preachers with an archive of sermons, his messages still live on via the airwaves and Internet.

The description of Dr. Kennedy's Thanksgiving message is, "Do you know what the best cure for stress is? It's not a news flash, but more a lost treasure for many people today. It is when we pray with thankfulness to God, which takes away our feelings of anxiety! Gratitude...builds a healthy lifestyle! Who knew? Learn what else it does, on Truths That Transform with Dr. D. James Kennedy."

Have a blessed day and may you fly like an eagle when it comes to doing God's will for your life.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steve Kendall

A State of Thankfulness: An Attitude of Gratitude

My family was blessed with a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

We began the morning at church. Our Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, preached on the topic, "Do For Others, What Christ Has Done for You." Dr. Dalton used Deuteronomy 26:11 as his text. In his message, he pointed out two things the Biblical text of Deut. 26:11 can teach us:

1. God has been generous to us. We need to reflect on from where the Lord brought us from. "We are where we are today," said the pastor, "thanks to the glory of God." Some of fail to thank God for what He has given us.

2. God's generosity shows us how to be generous to others. Pastor Dalton used his oft quoted analogy that if we have a closed hand, balled into a fist, we cannot receive anything, nor can we give anything away. Many of us are like that closed fist--we horde what God has given us and therefore can't bless others.

I was inspired by another sermon I heard this week on the radio, from Dr. Tony Evans, of the Urban Alternative. Dr. Evans was preaching on the topic of Money, based on the life of Solomon, whom God blessed with riches. Like Solomon, we need to be mindful of our blessings and thank the Lord.

Dr. Evans pointed out that a sign that you're obsessed with money is when the time you spend complaining about what God has given you far out distances the time spend thanking God.

So, on Thanksgiving Day of 2007, I reflect back on the year with an attitude of gratitude.

I'm thankful that you took the time to read my blog and pray that God keep you in His care.

Have a great weekend.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

blogs4God - Popular Christian Posts

blogs4God is a site which posts materials from Christian bloggers and ranks those entries by members of the site. You can sign up for free at

One of the blogs that caught my attention right away was on Church Web Design. The blog, written by Paul Steinbrueck, founder of, a Christian Web services organization, provides timely advice for church Web site design.

Paul's article inspired me to be more diligent in helping my church, Mt. Moriah Baptist, in putting current ministry items online.

If you like Paul's article, please consider voting for it at blogs4God.

Thank you for taking time out to read my blog today.

Please have a blessed, safe and filling Thanksgiving so that your light and joy of Christ can be seen by all those around you.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ephesians-Verse By Verse blog

Today's featured blog is Ephesians-Verse By Verse, by Christian blogger Gayle Carlson. Gayle's blog is hosted by, which offers free blogs in the hopes that you'll conduct future business with the company, such as Internet hosting services.

I found Gayle's blog online while searching for Bible study resources. The title drew me in as Ephesians is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Specifically, Ephesians chapter 6, verses 10-18 inspired me to write a children's book entitled, "God's Glorious Christian Soldiers."

Gayle offers a daily blog about Ephesians, literally verse by verse. Her blog entries begin with a thought posed by Gayle, followed by a question for the reader to ponder, Gayle's own personal analysis of the verse and each post concludes with the actual verse of scripture.

The Ephesians blog also contains a nice archive for new readers, like myself, who recently discovered Gayle's site. Gayle also writes Christian poetry and she has a MySpace page with more info.

I recently subscribed to Gayle's blog, as well as Pastor Chris' Through Google, I use a portal feature called iGoogle which organizes my blog subscriptions and email.

Have a blessed and joyful day!


Monday, November 19, 2007

During this Thanksgiving week I want to give thanks to several blogs that I’ve found online that are written by everyday folks, and not large, media ministries.

First up this week is This blog is written daily by Chris Walker who serves as a pastor and church planter in Panama and throughout Latin America.

Pastor Chris, as he calls himself online, offers a blog with, “tips and devotions on personal and church evangelism.”

Last Saturday, November 17, 2007, he posted an entry on “How to Share Your Faith During Thanksgiving." I don’t have his level of witnessing skills, so his suggestions are well taken.

Another of Pastor Chris’ recent postings called, "Evangelism 101: Beginning to Share Your Faith,” offers good suggestions.

Pastor Chris has details about his missions work on his other site,

Have a blessed, safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Steve Kendall

Friday, November 16, 2007 - Interlinear Bible in Greek and Hebrew

I love to learn about the Bible in its original languages. Specifically, learning words in the ancient, Koine Greek (common Greek) of the New Testament is one of my passions.

An online resource that I use to look up Greek passages and their pronunciation can be found at This site offers a Hebrew and Greek interlinear version of the Bible.

For example, I was recently looking up the use of the word Dunamis (power or great force) for a Bible study lesson and used to translate Acts 1:8 and 19:11. I was then able to see the English version above the Greek. By clicking on any Greek word, you are then taken to a page which provides both a definition and a short audio clip of someone pronouncing the word. also has a wide variety of Bible study resources, from devotionals and music to the latest news as it relates to Christians.

Have a blessed, safe and happy weekend!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bible Answer Man - Christian Research Institute

The Bible Answer Man radio program offers a wonderful variety of topics, many of which focus on Christian apologetics (defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines).

The host, Hank Hanegraaff, is well versed in Bible scholarship and presents material in an easy-to-understand fashion when interviewing guests or answering listener phone calls.

The Bible Answer Man program is just one of many resources produced by the Christian Research Institute (CRI).

I have purchased several books and DVDs featured on the radio program; all of which are sold from the CRI Web site at

Thanks for reading this blog entry. I invite you to send me your recommendations for Bible study resources at .

God bless,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dr. Tony Evans - The Urban Alternative

When it comes to online sermons, I'm a fan of several preachers.

Today I feature Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas and President of The Urban Alternative ministry.

Dr. Evans has a great ability to apply Bible lessons to our everyday life. He is a humorous, robust speaker (sometimes, it sounds like he's shouting, but actually, he raises his voice to make a point and puts lots of energy into his delivery.)

I listen to his daily Urban Alternative program on the radio or online, but Dr. Evans can also be seen on television.

Have a blessed day!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our Daily Bread - RBC Ministries

An excellent daily devotion publication, Our Daily Bread, is published by RBC Ministries. It is available online and they will also mail it to you for free, but ask if you are able, to make a donation.

RBC Ministries also has radio programs, free Christian courses, DVDs, and many other resources to enhance your life as a Christian.

I receive their free DVDs each quarter, which are broadcasts from their Day of Discovery television programs about Biblical topics. Again, the resource will be mailed to you for free, but they ask that you make a donation, if possible.

When possible, I try to send a donation as the quality and range of materials offered by RBC is wonderful.

Be sure to explore the RBC Web site for their variety of resources.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Rick Renner - New Testament Greek Resource

I became interested in learning more about the koine (common) Greek language, with which much of the New Testament was originally written in, thanks to the weekly Bible study led by my Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton. Learning the meaning behind the Greek words of the New Testament really gives me a deeper understanding of the Bible. I recommend a daily, free, email service that I subscribe to, which delivers a Greek word and its meaning within the context of specific scripture called Daily Sparkling Gems from the Greek, from a CD and book with his complete collection of lessons about New Testament Greek.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dr. Charles Stanley on Ephesians 6:11-18

This weekend I recommend a sermon preached by Dr. Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries entitled, Dressed for the Battle. This message, on how believers need to equip themselves for spiritual warfare, aired on the radio, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007 and can be heard online at The link provided above will take you to the audio archives. Once there, look for Nov. 9, 2007 and click on that selection. This chapter of Ephesians is my favorite out of the entire Bible and inspired me to write a children's book about the whole armor of God entitled, God's Glorious Christian Soldiers. Dr. Stanley also recently delivered a wonderful sermon on TV called, Can God Use You? Look for the link to Nov. 4, 2007. You can read and print the sermon notes online or watch the broadcast on your computer. Have a blessed, safe and joyful weekend! Your Brother in Christ, Steven

Friday, November 9, 2007

Moving Through Opened Doors

Today I want to recommend a book by author and businesswoman, Dawn Fitch, entitled, Moving Through Opened Doors: Business and Life Lessons taught by Abundant Blessings. Ms. Fitch is the President and founder of Pooka, Inc., a bath and body company, which makes its products by hand with natural ingredients without any preservatives or dyes. --Okay, full disclosure I learned about Dawn and her company through her colleague, my cuz, Tricia and I’ve been blessed as a result.

Dawn’s book presents a moving testimony of her life to date and as a career woman who is overcoming the challenges associated with a chronic illness. She gives God the credit for the blessings in her life along the way. Specifically, the business she founded Pooka, has been growing thanks to the hard work of her family and friends and the added blessing of increasing media coverage.

The book is ideal for readers of all ages and contains not only a valuable testimony to the grace and mercy of God, but also offers insightful and helpful tips to entrepreneurs.

As for Pooka’s bath and body products, I’m a dude, dude, but love the Elbow Grease as it really helps my dry skin. Plus, they’re currently giving stuff away for FREE on Fridays!

You can learn more about Dawn, her company and order her book at:

Have a blessed, safe and warm weekend!

Your Brother in Christ,


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Last month I saw a story on ABC's Nightline news show about, a YouTube type site focused on Christian content.

This site provides a wonderful opportunity for users to post personal videos about their testimony. You can also find sermons and a whole host of fun material on GodTube.

One of my favorite, humorous videos is a series of parodies of the Apple vs. PC commercials called, Christian/Christ-follower. The videos were produced by Community Christian Church in Naperville, IL.

I'm building a page on GodTube and prayerfully will have sermons from my Pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, on the site soon.

Please send me an invitation to your GodTube page if you have one now, or build one in the future.

Be blessed -- be a blessing to someone else today!


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pastor Paul Sheppard spoke in Virginia

Went to see Pastor Paul Sheppard, of Enduring Truth, a media ministry, at Fairfax Community Church in Fairfax, Virginia last night on a date with my wife. We’ve been married almost 20 years and try to go on a date at least once a month.

We listen to Pastor Paul on the radio, WAVA FM--well, my wife does as I’m rarely coherent at the early hour of his broadcast in my area—I listen online. I strongly recommend that you listen to Pastor Paul Sheppard on the Internet as you can access an archive of recent messages. I’ve been blessed in my thinking and actions as a result of taking his messages to heart. My wife became a fan of his show about a year ago and turned me on to his funny, yet Biblically sound and relevant sermons.

Last night, he gave a message called Choices and used Deuteronomy 30:11-20 as his text for discussion.

Some of the points Pastor Sheppard made included:

--When you have a choice, it doesn’t mean you are sovereign. God is sovereign. He is in charge, not us.

--There are some things you have no say in. “Opinions are like belly buttons, everybody has one,” joked Pastor Sheppard.

--Pastor Paul pointed out that we all will be held accountable by God as he quoted Isaiah 45:23, “That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.”

--The only question is when you will bow, now, or on Judgment Day in front of God, said Sheppard.

--God commands us to love Him. Pastor Sheppard pointed out Deuteronomy 30:16 as a key verse in the text he chose. When you love God, it is a decision you make in response to His grace because He first loved us.

--Pastor Paul also discussed that it may cost us to love and obey God. We may experience tough times in order to get to where God wants us to be. Pastor Paul quoted the often used saying, “When you go through a test, you come out of it with a testimony.”

Pastor Paul Sheppard will also be speaking again tonight, Wednesday, November 7, 2007at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. For more info about this event, visit and look for Special Events.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Searchable Bible online:

Today I want to call your attention to a site I use when I need to quickly look up Bible verses online and read commentary info for Bible research: With, you can search 50 different versions of the Bible and read the Bible in 35 languages. Please tell me about online searchable Bible sites that you use.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Speading the Good News with Technology

Today I want to call your attention to an interesting article I read in the Saturday, November 3, 2007 Washington Post entitled, "Plugging the Planet Into the Word."

The subtitle of the article, "Christian Groups Use Technology to Greatly Expand Bible's Audience," really speaks to encouraging missionary work discussed in the story.

The reporter, Mary Jordan, pointed out that, "Since 2000, the Bible -- or parts of it -- has been translated into 600 more languages, making it more accessible to tens of millions more people, according to the Forum of Bible Agencies International. An additional 1,600 translation projects are underway that will leave only about 3 to 5 percent of the world's population without the best-selling book of all time available in their native language."

The one fact mentioned that really surprised me was that it can take 30 years to to translate the Bible into a rare language and can cost up to one million dollars! The Forum of Bible Agencies International was one organization listed in article which has taken on this task: A useful site referenced in the article, to chart the progress of the Good News globally is:

In sum, I found that this newspaper article offered encouraging news about the spread of the Gospel, which Jesus Christ told us to do in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." (King James Version)

Have a blessed day!


Friday, November 2, 2007

Bible Study Lessons from Dr. Lucius M. Dalton

I'll be quite busy on Saturday, Nov. 3, 2007, so I'll post the Special of the Day a day early. Each Tuesday at 1 and 7 pm, the Senior Pastor of my church, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church teaches a wonderful Bible Study class. At present, we are studying the book of Acts. You can read Pastor Dalton's notes at the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church bulletin board.

Bible Prophecy Programs: Precepts for Life and Back to the Bible

In late October 2007, two Bible Study programs that I listen to both via the radio and online, featured easy-to-understand lessons on Bible Prophecy. Specifically, Kay Arthur is covering the book of Daniel on her show, "Precepts for Life." You can download a free Daniel study guide from Kay's site: Woodrow Kroll is taking a fascinating look at the book of Revelation on his program, "Back to the Bible." I heard this broadcast last year and loved it! I believe Kroll provides a two month study, which really covers and explains many potentially confusing things from Revelation. You can read or print transcripts from each of his shows at: Tell me what you think of these programs: