1. I'm proud to announce that the sermons of my pastor, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Washington, DC, are now available online!
You can listen to Pastor Dalton's most recent sermon, "Finish the Race" from Sunday, Oct. 5, 2008.
2. The Washington Post article, "Plugging the Planet Into the Word." The subtitle of the article, "Christian Groups Use Technology to Greatly Expand Bible's Audience," really speaks to encouraging missionary work discussed in the story. You can also read my summary of the article.
-- Two resources mentioned in the article: The Forum of Bible Agencies International, an organization which has taken on the challenge of translating the Bible into many languages: http://www.ifoba.com and another useful site referenced in the article, to chart the progress of the Good News globally is: http://www.worldmap.org
3. The Ancient Greek Word of the Week: Actually, I'll feature several words mentioned in Pastor Dalton's Oct. 5, 2008 sermon:
1 Corinthians 9:24 (The Greek word for "race" is "Stadion")
1 Corinthians 9:25 (Crown is "Stephanos" in Greek) My name, Steven, comes from this word! : )
4. Each week in this blog, I use BibleGateway.com for Bible verses and the Interlinear Bible offered by Bible.CrossWalk.com
Please let me know of any Bible study resources that you use so that I may post them on this blog.
Your Brother in Christ,